Mongo Extensions
At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
// arrange
var serviceClient = new ServiceClient();
// act
TestPerson person = serviceClient.CreatePerson(...);
// assert
Assert.IsEqual(person.Firstname, "David");
Assert.IsEqual(person.Lastname, "Smith");
Assert.IsEqual(person.Age, 30);
Assert.IsEqual(person.Size, 182.5214);
Assert.IsEqual(person.CreationDate, DateTime.Parse(...));
Assert.IsEqual(person.DateOfBirth, DateTime.Parse(...));
Reduce your asserts in your test
Reduce your asserts in your test
Instead of writing multiple asserts within your test assert section, just reduce it to one assert.
Sometimes we receive a test result object with several properties, and all of them have to be checked... Now instead of writing for each property an assert, just validate all properties at once with a snapshot.
// arrange
var serviceClient = new ServiceClient();
// act
TestPerson person = serviceClient.CreatePerson(...);
// assert
Get started in seconds
Get started in seconds
With Snapshooter you need just two commands to get a snapshot test validation running in your test project.
Install the snapshooter nuget package within your test project:
dotnet add package Snapshooter.Xunit
Assert the result in your test with the Snapshot.Match command:
public void CreatePerson_VerifyPersonBySnapshot_SuccessfulVerified()
// arrange
var serviceClient = new ServiceClient();
// act
TestPerson person = serviceClient.CreatePerson(
Guid.Parse("2292F21C-8501-4771-A070-C79C7C7EF451"), "David", "Mustermann");
// assert